Feng Shui Principles

Feng Shui Principles

It is not clear when the principles of Feng shui started. Its development has been going on for centuries and has been applied countless times in China and today, in many places in the world. One thing is clear though, Feng shui applies principles and practices, many of which could be scientifically proven, and is…

A Feng Shui Life

A Feng Shui Life

Ask any good Feng shui master and s/he will tell you that everything has energy: objects, the air, the earth, all the elements, and even thoughts have energies. In fact, people are one of the better sources of energy. A person’s energy is a determinant of their bad Feng shui or good Feng shui. What…

What Is Feng Shui?

What Is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is an ancient Chinese practice that involves art and science.  It has been around for thousands of years.  The practice relies on the laws of heaven and earth to help people balance their energies within a space.  This is to help them receive fortune and health. The word “feng” means…


It is almost here, Jan 25 2020.  The Chinese New Year, Year of the Rat. Remember to clean your house, stock up on food. You want the new year to find you with plenty of abundance.  Do your Feng Shui updates to your house. This year will be exciting. There will be challenges and moments…