Feng Shui Principles

It is not clear when the principles of Feng shui started. Its development has been going on for centuries and has been applied countless times in China and today, in many places in the world.

One thing is clear though, Feng shui applies principles and practices, many of which could be scientifically proven, and is continuously gaining popularity.

When Feng shui was first heard in the west, it was dismissed as a collection of mumbo jumbo and superstition that has no solid foundation or basis. Whether it really has solid foundations or not remains to be a point of opinion. One thing is sure, one never argues with success.

You can find other tips in other pages of these articles in the practice of Feng shui and determine for yourself those that are directly applicable as it relates to scientific basis. For now, though, Feng shui principles will be discussed.

To find your place on this earth, and how you relate to the forces and motivations that guide and inspire you, you will have to know the following:

From your standpoint, determine the four main points of the compass and its four corresponding sub-points. These will comprise your eight directions.

The North

Northern points motivate personal growth, new ideas, innovations, creativity, art, music, career, and development.

To enhance this point and derive its benefits it is best to use and place here water elements like ponds, fountains, Jacuzzis, and tool sheds. As much as possible, avoid placing materials that represent the earth like, clay and rocks.

The Northeast is for enhancing spirituality, meditation, and inner journeys it also helps intellectual growth, reading and knowledge.

This is the place where you place earth materials, rock gardens, and equipment that are used for repairing, statues, and where you refrain from having plants and trees. Designs on the materials should preferably be low and flat.

The East

Encourages healing, rebirth, rejuvenation, and growth. It also contributes positively to family life and relationships. To get its benefits this spot should be a good place to have exercise equipment, fruit trees, and medicinal plants and herbs, a playground, and a family gathering area.

Have wood elements and its representation and avoid materials that are made from metals.

The Southeast invites wealth, prosperity, and material possessions and is the spot that makes for better communication. Use this spot to usher those in by using elements made from wood. It is also a good place to cultivate flowers and display fishes. Cylindrical objects also help including columns and posts.

The South

This is the spot to dream those dreams for it is here where opportunity opens and aspirations happen. Recognition, achievement, long life, festivities, this is the place to have them and to tap your potentials.

This is the spot to use fire and its representation to enhance its capacity to help the person. This also the place to conduct barbecues, burn leaves, and have your fire pits. The shapes that go well with this spot are the pointed ones. Its opposite is materials that are representative of water. This is not a good spot for fountains and ponds.

The southwest is for love and romance, marriage and partners, motherhood, and relationships.

Use earth elements in this spot. This is also a good place to dine, sit and talk with your partner, plan efforts that require a team, etc. Avoid as much as possible materials that are made of wood. The color green will help a lot.

The West

Is a place that is best for children and fun. This spot also aids creativity. Use metal elements but avoid fire and its representations. While this spot is good for entertaining, conduct your barbecue in the south. You can also decorate this corner with circular objects and arches.

The northwest is best for representations of activities that are outside of the home like trading, travel, supporters and sponsors including fatherly activities.

Use metal elements and objects made from this material.

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